Monday, November 24, 2008

Miles to go before I...

It's been quite a while since I've traveled...I mean really 'been someplace,' and I've been raring to go, for sometime now...time's running fast...and I don't have forever!

I've journeyed between Hyderabad and Delhi three times in the last 4-5 months, but I wouldn't call it 'travel,' for those are known places, explored and re-explored. Going home is the only charm that there is in it! I love going home, I do, and these trips have been very satiating in this regard.

It's the other part of me, 'the wanderer' that's not all too good, without the love of her life! Come December, and it'll be one full year since, and that is a very long time! Hence the pining! Especially now, while I still have time, while I still can...oh! how I wanna go!